test data - LACK OF efficacy other DECONTAMINAnts
The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command—Chemical Biological Center conducted a 2019 study entitled "Decontaminant Reactivity Screen with Select Fentanyls." The study examined the neutralization capabilities of various products.
5% Sodium Hydroxide
A primary ingredient in soap, in solution alone, has no neutralization effect on fentanyl or carfentanil.
Hydrolysis was used as the primary mode of action. No neutralization activity was demonstrated.
Current skin decon used for chemical weapons demonstrated no reactivity. The study suggested that it could actually "further spread contamination."
REFERENCE: US. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command - Chemical Biological Center."Decontaminant Reactivity Screen with Select Fentanyls". Presented by Amanda Schenning. Nov. 20, 2019.
It is recommended that soap and water be used as well whenever available. The information provided herein examines the effectiveness of decontaminants singly without the mechanical action of physical removal.